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BEWIT Nettle Hydrosol


Nettle Hydrosol

Bring your hair to life. Nettle hydrosol will restore your hair's dazzling shine and beauty. It will also provide proper care for your skin and body.

Skin types: normal, sensitive, oily, problematic

Aroma: herbal, nettle

In stock

6,7 £

13,4 £

5,6 £ without VAT (20%)

BP: 2.96

Code: 9000000100010419

100% pure and natural Ahinsa CTEO® Gemstone Balanced Merkaba Frequency Produced with Love Vegan

100% pure and natural

All ingredients contained in the product are 100% pure and natural and non-synthetic.


Our ethical approach is based on respect for all living things = we have not, do not and will never in the future test our products on animals.


The CTEO® pictogram is an expression of the BEWIT standards and protocols by which we check the quality of our essential oils. These include procedures for sourcing, transporting, storing, packaging and shipping essences. 

To ensure maximum results every time, we make our essential oils from plants that come from the best sources around the world. We select our ingredients with an emphasis on scientific knowledge, historical wisdom, the legacy of our ancestors and practical results.

Gemstone Balanced

During production and storage we use gem stones and semi-precious stones to harmonise the energy of that product.

Merkaba Frequency

The “Merkaba” is a Hebrew term for expressing the so called “Sacred Geometry” of the energy body. We harmonised these products utilising a unique frequency information procedure. These include, for example, gemstone energy, pyramidal energy, harmonic musical frequencies, frequencies of selected tones and tuning forks, the power of prayer, and other harmonising practices.

Produced with Love

The product has been developed and produced in an atmosphere of love, harmony and with intent of giving benefit to all who use it.


This product is suitable for vegans. At no stage during development, testing or production of this item were animal or dairy products used.

Do you suffer from fast-greasing and excessive hair loss?

Awaken them to life with the power of nettles.

Stimulateshair roots and promotes hair growth.

It soothes the scalp and reduces the appearance of skin scales.

For every day with a perfectly thick beauty crown.

Proper moisturizing and toning care will also be provided for oily and problematic skin.


  • Nourishes hair follicles
  • Reduces hair loss and accelerates hair growth
  • Harmonises the production of sebum
  • Restores hair shine and strength
  • Soothes and gently cleanses
  • It is anti-inflammatory


Hair treatments

  1. Apply the required amount of hydrosol to freshly washed wet or dry hair ends.
  2. Comb your hair carefully.

Comment: You can also apply the hydrosol to your hair at any time of the day to refresh and strengthen it.

Toning the skin

  1. Tone the skin by applying BEWIT Nettle Hydrosol.
  2. Massage the necessary amount of BEWIT Facial Serum or BEWIT Whipped Balm into the moistened skin.

Comment: The functions of the toner are cleansing, deep hydration of the skin, and preparation for subsequent care.

For a comprehensive effect, also try

Country of origin



Urtica Dioica Leaf Water


BEWIT Nettle Hydrosol


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Sbircea Laura

Sbircea Laura

Română RO (translate)

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BEWIT Apă esențială de urzică

Urzica, nu ar trebui sa lipseasca din casa si din gradina noastra. Vecinii mei o smulg din gradina, eu o protejez si o las sa se inmulteasca. Nu este atractiva dar atat de sanatoasa. Si urzica are foarte multe beneficii. Folosesc urzica atat pentru mine dar si pentru plante, imi fac ingrasamant cu urzica, se poate foosi si uleiul esential pentrua a se face ingasamant. Cu Hydrolatul imi stropesc frunzele florilor din casa, care imi zambesc si se bucura extraordinar de mult. Il folosesc si ca Aura Spray, pentru ten dar si pentru par, chiar mi-a intarit parul si s-a indesit. Urzica ar trebui mult mai mult apreciata, este atat de benefica si ne da atata putere. Se poate folosi si in Müsli dimineata sau in iaurt, in ceai si oriunde, in gradina, in casa, om plante, este o minune a naturii! Recomand acesta apa de urzica cu mare drag si din toata inima.

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Hana Slováková

Hana Slováková

Česky CS (translate)

Customer verified by product purchase

BEWIT Hydrolát z kopřivy

Esenciální vodu z kopřivy velmi ráda používám po umytí vlasů na lehkou masáž vlasové pokožky místo dřívějších vlasových vod z drogerie (kopřivová, březová, lopuchová…) Přelila jsem si část právě do původní lahvičky s aplikátorem, je to praktičtější a masáž hlavy s ní je moc příjemná i voňavá s vědomím báječných účinků paní Kopřivy :-) Mám ji ráda i z rozprašovače na osvěžení obličeje třeba v průběhu dne, je pro mě překvapivě jemná. Velmi mě těší, že má v nabídce i tuto vlasovou královnu. Děkuji Vám mnohokrát :-)

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